Friday, November 15, 2013


If you have not read Part I (the first installment), please do so now. I have told you when Duke appeared upon the scene. Where might he have come from? Well, several people told me that sometimes when Gator students left Gainesville, (FL)..about 45 miles SE of Lake City where I lived...for one reason or another...they could not take their pet with them, so they just turned them loose. I retired in Feb., 1986 at age 60 and thought then that I would probably just remain in Lake City or move to some other place in that State; however about 15 months later I decided to return to Blount County, AL...this was in May, 1988. Guess the hills were calling me home, and, too, I still had several relatives living there. Well, if you count distant cousines, I was probably kin to most everybod. Having collected a lot of "treasures" (????) during the latter part of my living down there, I decided to haul a lot of it to AL in my DODGE Ram (covered). Duke got upset when he saw me loading the truck and would get up in the back of it. To pacify him, I let him sit up front in the cab. So, Duke and I made several trips hauling "stuff" to AL. He loved it. He particulary enjoyed seeing the animals in fenced in pastures as we went along...maybe he thought they were LIONS. After all, he was an African Lion Hound besides being called Rhodesian Ridgeback. Well, finally after I had made several trips, came the day for the final one I having hired a truck to haul the heavier things that I couldn't lift and take in my truck (I still have that truck,presently "resting" in my yard where it has been broke-down for several months, but there is a promise it will be up and running before the year is over..."Oh, yeah"...hope so anyway. After Duke appeared upon the scene (Jan., 1986) we continued to live there until May 17, 1988..that's the date I oficially again became a resident of the State of Alabama. I had lived long enough in Florida. I tell them its a fun place to visit, but think twice before moving there. Some who visit are so carried away with it, before they realize what they are doing they have sold their house "Up North" and done bought a dream place (oh, yeah) in FL.Several told me that is what had happend to them. Looks like I am getting side tracked so let me get back on-line. In this part, I must tell you one more thing as such act,on Duke's part, appears again and again as time passes. When I was 16-17 years old, I worked in same office at the "Air Depot" near Gadsden,AL. Her husband was in the CB's and when the war (now, which war was that?) was over, they would settle in Plains, Ga., where he grew up. So, in making the trips that I did myself I kept telling myself I must look up Mary & PJ as I might never be that way again and as it turns out, I haven' upon nearins Plains, I stop at a conveniece store and inquire as to where they lived. The clerk told me, "You, should have been here earlier as PJ just left here" She told me where they lived...yes, it was on that highway and I had passed their house many time. (Actually, it was next door to President Carter's driveway and they had been friends since childhood) But what I am having a hard time to is this: So, I stopped by. Mary remembered me, but I had never met her husband. They were very cordial and we were sitting there, PJ said to me,"Why, don't you invite your friend in..they would be welcome" I was puzzled as there was no one in the truck, which was not visible from where we were sitting in the family room. He had said what he did because he heard a horn blow. Then I realized Duke blew the horn. I told him I didn't think this "friend" of mine wold be welcome in their house as it was a large dog. We all laughed and were soon on or last trip back to Alabama. I am so glad I stopped to see them as now they are all gone. (Their son was President Carter"s appointment clerk). Oh, my gosh, I have rambled on so there will be a Part III very soon .


  1. Looking forward to your rambling on about Duke!

  2. Enjoyed this story too, I'll be waiting on the next one, I'm hooked!


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