Thursday, January 2, 2014

Betty: My Lab (indoor dog)

In June, 2004, after returning from the grocery store (my first time to drive after having had four bypasses) from back of the house to where I park is this dog, wagging its tail as if to say,Where have you glad to see you?" It no ID on it. She was hungry so I fed her and at that point I think she decided it was a good place to hang out. She is an indoor dog and despises any insect,bee that flyes abound her when she is outside...she doesn't like outdoors, period. Even indoors when it thunders she gets upset and wants to stay very close to you. So I named her Betty..don't know why. She is a mixed Lab and had been neutered. I estimate she was not fully grown but getting there. She has a narrow streak of white on her chest that is situated vertically, and a spot or two of white on a I think this makes her a mixed Lab. She also had a black spot on her brother told me years ago if a dog had a black spot on its tongue that it was part Chow dog. She has been fully grown now for a long time. I estimate her to be about 10 years old, take a year or so either way. She is very protective and follows me from room to room if I move about. Now, that I no longer have the store in town, meaning I am home a lot more, this constant moving about kinda gets on my nerves, but no use telling her as she would completely ignore such nonsense. Betty is stubborn at times but I think I may bring that disposition on for if I were to speak too loudly to her she just stares and don't mind you at all, but if I speak in a milder tone, she does then sometimes obey me. Who spoiled her?...Me, of course. I will attempt to put up a pic of her, but even if I can get it done (never tried this before) it is not a good pic. Is this the last of my dog stories? Well, I guess so, but two more did show several years later. Sandy Lou has a streak of sandy color down her back and top of ears are a sandy color, thus came about the name Sandy Lou...she is an outdoors dog but will slip into the house if a door has been left open so she can go check out Betty's dog bowl to see if any food has been left in it; if so, she gobbles it down quickly...that dog never gets enough to eat it seems though she is healthy. Sandy Lou is good at giving false pretense: Sometimes when I return from being out in my car, I will see her asleep in far yard...when she sees me she makes a wild dash abound the yard to scare all the bad creatures away and then come up to you as if to say, "See what I did" The other dog, which has been given name of Earnie is a bloodhound out and out. It was all just skin and bones with some open sores...had a piece of a chain hanging down from around its neck. Again, no ID. A friend who lives next door said, "I always wanted bloodhound", so that is his dog. He and Sandy Lou are the greatest playmate..alway wrestling. Earnie can lay on his back and with one foot knocks Sand Lou down, who is trying to bite on his throat.(Earnie has a problem if you know what I mean by"One hangs low" or the other never descended...but he is a good ole dog) Sorry, I could't get the pic to work. Now, that I am though with my dog stories, I can approach other topics soon I hope, but I am still having serious drainage problems after having had a hear valve replace in Oct. So long, Fred. Sandy Lou are the greates playmates, tho he is much stronger. They wrestle a lot and that helped Ssndy Lou develop and grow stronger. Bloodhounds are kinda embarassing as they always have to smell of you in private places. I briefly told about the last two dogs in order not to make each a separate blog. All three are still on the premises.


  1. Glad you are back online. Always enjoy your dog stories. It's nice to have so many good friends around. Looking forward to other exciting adventures.

  2. I enjoyed your dog stories. Betty, Sandy Lou and Earnie sound like greaat friends!

  3. I enjoyed your dog stories. Betty, Sandy Lou, and Earnie sound like fine friends!

  4. I also enjoyed your stories, I love animals too! I have a cat Sambo, he's black of course, he's my sweetie, I've always had dog's, I get too attached to them, so I decided on a cat this time, he has stole my heart also! Keep the stories coming! Hope your feeling better!


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