Sunday, October 6, 2013

BUSTER: The Wonderful Dog, Part II (Conclusion)

     (I am trying again; mybe it will work this time).........So my sister Glads and her husband lived on Pea Ridge and had this dog named Buster.   They inivited her Aunt, Maude (she was not my Aunt as Glads and I had different Mothers, but I called her Aunt Maude also, with her permission) to come spend the day.  Later that morning Jesse asked Aunt Maude if she would like a fried squirrel for lunch, and she said, "Where on earth are you going to get a squirrel...its almost lunch time now?"  Jesse told her he would send Buster after one.  So he told Buster to go get a squirrel.  Aunt Maude said, "Jesse, you know that dog can't understand you".  Jesse replied,"Just give her fifteen minutes, Aunt Maude and she will be back with a squirrel".  Well, a few minutes passed and Aunt Maude said, "Where's that squirrel, Jesse?"   Jesse said,"Well, now you wait a minute its only been ten minutes"  About two minutes later here comes Buster up on the front porch with a live squirrel in its mouth.  Aunt Maude was astonished.  The woods were full of squirrels and other 4 legged creatures.  Well, Jesse dressed the squirrel and Glads parboiled it, and then rolled in flour and fried it and made the most delicioius gravy to go along with the hot biscuit she had just baked in that iron wooden stove.  So that was lunch, and Buster got some too.  This is a true story, and for many years later Glads and Jesse loved to tell this story.  I had fried squirrel there too.  Maybe Buster knew we were living during the Depression era and she needed to help out.               (Will try to do the Ecudorian dog story soon if I can get this computer to work...Norton has told me the cookies have been fixed...we will see.)


  1. Loved the story. And I like that they gave a female dog the name "Buster." If you recall, for a short time I had a white, female German Shepherd in Jax. Beach that I named "John." But that's another story!

  2. I loved this story, I've cooked squirrel but couldn't bring myself to eat any, this brings back great memories from my younger years!


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